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The Kayode Tijani That I Knew! –



The Kayode Tijani That I Knew! -


In 1986, amidst our quest for knowledge, we found ourselves united in the halls of school during our HSC A/Levels in Lagos.

At that time, it was undeniable that your passion for football and novels burned brightly. A year later, you embarked on a journey to the Nigeria Institute of Journalism, while I set my sights on the University of Lagos.

You had to navigate the journalism landscape, making your mark in various outlets such as The Guardian, Complete Sports, Fame Magazine, Channels Television, and independent production.

However, our paths did not intersect during this period. It wasn’t until a cold morning in December 2002 that our lives intertwined once again.


You were part of a media delegation led by Dr. Amos Adamu that visited AIT in Lagos. Coincidentally, I had just finished presenting Kakaaki Sports News, and we unexpectedly crossed paths at the studio entrance.

It was a moment of pure joy. Soon after, you visited my home and formed a lasting friendship with my late younger brother, Dr. Julius Ibukun Agboola.

Fate had another surprise in store for us as we ran into each other again in London in 2006. While I was stationed at the BBC office in Bush House, Aldwych, you would regularly stroll down from the BEN TV studio in Tottenham Court Area to meet me.

By then, you had finished your programme, ABC Sport. Often, we would sit in one of the cafés near the London School of Economics.

Our conversations would barely begin before fans recognised you and showered you with praise. It came as no surprise when Dr. Mumuni Alao visited London and compared your popularity to that of Michael Jackson every time you ventured out together.


Together, we conducted numerous captivating interviews with sports stars like Kelly Holmes, David Hayes, and Eniola Aluko.

Kayode, you were a wealth of knowledge, shining like a thousand stars, leaving those we interviewed in awe. I attended many of your programmes on ABC Sport alongside Wunmi Lily’s Mum Thomas and your friend, Akeem Oyetunji.

Not long after, a Christian television station called Revelation TV headhunted you. They did not care about your Muslim faith, as the station’s founder, Howard Conder, assured me that “Kayode is a good man.”

Though accolades followed you wherever you went, there was a persistent desire within you to relocate your family abroad.

One evening, as we strolled from my place on Kennington Road, Waterloo, you shared your plans to establish a Sports Archive in Nigeria, bringing you closer to your loved ones.


Our conversation consumed us as we unknowingly passed Holborn Station. Astounded by the distance covered, we decided to conclude our discussion at your place in Shoreditch.

Just a month later, you were back in Nigeria. Since your return, there was a slight drift between us as our communication significantly decreased, especially before you fell ill.

Your memory would resurface whenever Cable News ‘Kisu Sulola, the sister of my friend and former room-mate at Unilag, Bidemi Sulola, called inquiring, “Have you heard from your friend?”

Unfortunately, the news of your passing reached me this week after Nigeria’s victory over South Africa in the ongoing AFCON 2024 in Cote d’Ivoire.

I will forever be grateful for your help and support during the passing of my brother and your dear friend in 2016.


It was you who inspired me to establish the Dr. Julius Ibukun Agboola Endowment, which continues to provide support for the best-graduating student in Marine Science at the University of Lagos.

Thank you for the time and unforgettable moments we shared. I will not shed tears because it is over, but instead, I will smile because fate allowed it to happen. Please convey my deepest regards to my brother and your friend, IBK.

May the just man find eternal rest.




Kunle Solaja is the author of landmark books on sports and journalism as well as being a multiple award-winning journalist and editor of long standing. He is easily Nigeria’s foremost soccer diarist and Africa's most capped FIFA World Cup journalist, having attended all FIFA World Cup finals from Italia ’90 to Qatar 2022. He was honoured at the Qatar 2022 World Cup by FIFA and AIPS.

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International Association of Women Police honours News Central TV



The Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief of News Central TV, Kayode Akintemi, being presented with an award as Pillar of Support for women for the television station by the Inspector General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun during the closing ceremony of the International Association of Women Police in Abuja.

News Central TV has been honoured with a distinguished award for its role in supporting women across the nation.

The Managing Director of News Central,  Kayode Akintemi, received the award on behalf of the media agency at the International Association of Women Police (IAWP) Conference held in Abuja.

The award is a recognition of News Central’s commitment to promoting gender equality, empowering women in law enforcement, developmental journalism and community engagement.

The IAWP Conference renowned for its dedication to celebrating the achievements of women in law enforcement and their allies, presented Akintemi with the award in acknowledgment of News Central TV’s impactful contributions to society.

The conference brought together influential leaders, policy makers, and advocates from around the globe to discuss and address critical issues facing women in law enforcement and beyond.


Across Nigeria, News Central is renowned for championing initiatives that empower women and promote diversity within the media industry.

The station has been instrumental in providing a platform for women’s voices, addressing social issues, and fostering a culture of inclusivity. The award further highlights News Central’s dedication and commitment to the cause.

Commenting on the award, the Managing Director expressed gratitude and emphasized the importance of continued efforts towards gender equality and social justice.

“It is an honor to receive this recognition on behalf of News Central TV. Our mission has always been to create a media landscape that is reflective of our diverse society and to empower women to tell their stories.

“This award motivates us to continue our work with even greater passion and determination,” Akintemi said.


News Central TV remains committed to its core values of integrity, innovation, and inclusivity. The station will continue to leverage its platform to advocate for positive change, support women in the media, and contribute to the overall betterment of society

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Tenacious Tana gets accolades over his elevation as The Punch Deputy Editor



One of Nigeria’s most enterprising sports journalists, Tana Aiyejina who was Group Sports Editor of The Punch, has been elevated to the position of Deputy Editor of the newspaper.

A basketball promoter, Igoche Mark has congratulated the journalist who is well known for his in-depth reporting.

Mark, renowned for his contributions to the growth of basketball in Nigeria, through his Mark D’ Ball Basketball Championship sponsorship, praised Aiyejina’s dexterity and dedication to quality sports news reporting. 

“Mr. Tana Aiyejina’s elevation as Deputy Editor of The Punch Newspapers is a testament to his dexterity and dedication to quality sports news reportage from his days as a green horn sports reporter with The National Mirror,” he said.

Aiyejina, who hails from Edo State, has earned the moniker ‘Tenacious Tana’ for his objective and tenacious approach to sports journalism.


 Mark commended the sports editor’s remarkable track record, stating, “He has always discharged his duties with objectivity and tenacity, a trade mark that earned him the moniker ‘Tenacious Tana.’”

Looking ahead, Mark urged Aiyejina to continue his valuable contributions to the sports sector, saying, “My charge to you as a stakeholder in sports is never to leave the sector, as together let’s build Nigerian sports to an enviable height.”

“The promotion of Tana Aiyejina to the position of Deputy Editor at The Punch Newspapers is a testament to his unwavering commitment to sports journalism and his ability to consistently deliver high-quality reporting. This recognition is sure to inspire other sports journalists to strive for excellence in their craft,” Mark added.

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Benin sports followers lament blackout of international sporting events 



Sinatou Saka and Jean-Marc Adjovi Bocco, the duo can advice government to amortize the cost of television rights to relieve the citizens and Beninese generally.

Watching international sports events, including those of the national teams, has become a huge luxury, if not totally impossible in Benin Republic.

The blames are often put on government advisers who probably have not realised the importance of sports in the society.  

Fingers point at two personalities –  Sinatou Saka and Jean-Marc Adjovi Bocco. Saka was last year  appointed representative of the Beninese state on the board of directors of the joint audiovisual company. She is a journalist specializing in digital entrepreneurship.  

Bocco, a former professional footballer who played in the defence line of Benin national team is the technical adviser to the minister of sports.

Both were expected to use their good offices to advise government on issues of broadcast rights such that citizens could have access to international sports events, especially football.


 They seem to have the views that watching international sports should remain a luxury owing to high cost of buying broadcast rights. The context in France seems to be the yardstick being employed while in the Beninese environment, sponsorship and advertisement is still very weak.

And even when the rights sellers revise the figures downwards, Sinatou Saka is believed to have turned down the offers. Peoples’ passion for sports is often overlooked. Bocco, too despite being a sports personality has not offered any assistance thus depriving millions of Beninese people of these rare moments of happiness around national teams and their athletes.

It is expected that the duo would advise the government to amortize the cost of television rights to relieve the citizens and Beninese generally.

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