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Nigerian Football

A Man Nigeria Should Not Have Forgotten






This Thursday marks the 38th anniversary of Nigeria’s first victory in the Africa Cup of Nations. Perhaps it was divinely designed as an eternal tribute to this great, yet largely unknown man, that Nigeria won its first Africa Cup of Nations on this particular date, March 22 in 1980.

His name rings no bell. He is largely forgotten and never mentioned in the discourse of organised football in Nigeria. Perhaps such history makers were born to pass unnoticed.


Going through the official history of the of the world’s oldest football association, The Football Association Limited, England, there was a similar scenario.

The FA admitted that one Ebenezer Cobb Morley’s initiative gave birth to it. In the official history of the world’s oldest football association, it was written that despite Morley’s initiative, he is only given passing reference in football literature.

Such is also the fate of Joseph Mead in Nigeria. Most people, even the older football followers may not have come across the name of this man. It is because of him, that there is a football governing body that was called the Nigeria Football Association (NFA) which is today’s Nigeria Football Federation, NFF. He called for the meeting that led to the formation of the NFA.

Perhaps without his initiatives, we will not be talking of the Nigeria Football Federation or its lead brand, Super Eagles which will clock 70 next year August. The first national team of Nigeria, the famed “UK Tourists” sailed out of Apapa Port on August 16, 1949. That was when the story of what is popularly called the Super Eagles began.

As a prelude to the ongoing discourse, most people may not know the fallacy of the NFF claim that it was founded in 1945.  Yet the federation has neither proof to back the claim nor evidence of the actual date it believed it was founded.


  • Skipper Christian Chukwu lifting the Africa Cup of Nations on March 22, 1980. It turned to be a lasting birthday tribute to the NFA’s first Secretary who could have turned 73 on that day.

Existing evidences contradict the “Founded 1945” that the NFF logo carries. Documented evidences exist at the National Archives of Nigeria in Ibadan and The FA in England where the then NFA was first affiliated, that the football governing body was founded on August 21, 1933.

Establishing the Nigerian football governing body was not an easy task. The bulk of the credit went to Joseph Mead, the unsung father of the now NFF. He was the organising secretary of the group that founded the then NFA.

Daily Times account revealed he worked with the firm, UAC at Martins Street, Lagos. He called up the inaugural meeting and later emerged as the first secretary of the Nigerian football governing body.

According to the Daily Times account on the foundation of the NFA in 1933, Mead was elected as secretary. The man at the helms was Henry A. Porter, an architect with the Public Works Department.

Porter went by the title, President. There were three vice presidents – Frederick Baron Mulford, Dr. Isaac Ladipo Oluwole and Sir. Adeyemo Alakija.

Mead’s identity was a mystery until the Unilever Archives in London, responding to enquiries by Sports Village Square, provided photograph of him and his full name.


The meaning of the initial “J” which appeared in all Nigerian newspapers references to him was later given as Joseph.

According to the Daily Times accounts, he worked with the firm – UAC at Martins Street, Lagos. Checks at Unilever in UK revealed that he joined the company in February 1929.


  • Joseph Mead, sitting with the ball, was a member of the UAC team in the European League in Lagos. He was the first Secretary of NFA.This 1936 picture is published courtesy Unilever UK.

Great thanks to Helen Onsworth, the archivist at Unilever UK Central Resources Limited who assisted in unveiling the convener of the meeting that led to the foundation of a central football body in Nigeria.

From the information on Mead, he became the first secretary of the NFA at age 26. On leaving Nigeria after working with UAC in Lagos and Ibadan, he was transferred to the then Gold Coast (now Ghana) where he worked in Kumasi and Takoradi.

According to information from Unilever in UK, Mead married on January 23, 1939 before resigning from the firm in 1949.


Checks at the National Archives of the United Kingdom revealed that Mead must have arrived Nigeria in 1929 having left Liverpool for Lagos on February 26.

His occupation in the manifest of the ship was given as “assistant”. He was part of the European football league in Lagos, playing for UAC team.

Shortly before the August 21, 1933 meeting which Mead called, he was involved in an accident. Unilever Archives disclosed that their records showed his date of birth as March 22, 1907.

He would   therefore have been 73 years; the day Nigeria beat Algeria to win the Africa Nations Cup for the first time in 1980. It could not be verified if he were alive at the time.

According to information from Unilever UK, Joseph Mead left for Nigeria Sekondi-Takoradi in Gold Coast (now Ghana) as District Manager of UAC in March 1946.


Today he would have been 110. Tracing the man Joseph Mead was not an easy task. But great thanks to Unilever UK which maintains an archive of virtually everyone that passed through its system.

It is Mead that one is celebrating today. It should be remembered that he was not the only pioneer. There was Henry A. Porter, the pioneer president and a senior architect with the then PWD (possibly the present day Federal Ministry of Works and Housing).

A fellow of Royal Institute of British Architects, Porter designed the Centenary Hall, Ake, Abeokuta. He was also the founder of the Lagos Amateur Football Association in 1930.

There was also Dr Isaac Ladipo Oluwole (died May 4, 1953), Sir Adeyemo Alakija (died May 10, 1952), and Frederick Baron Mulford (an expatriate popularly called ‘Baba Eko’).

Mulford was buried in Lagos at the Ikoyi Cemetery on September 4, 1949, the day after his death at Creek Hospital. According to a tribute by Ernest Ikoli published in the Daily Times edition of September 5, 1949, Mulford was never married.


They have all passed on, but there contributions towards the formation of a central football organisation should be well acknowledged.

The FA in England in 2012 decided to trace and honour the living descendants of the eight founding fathers that created the body 150 years earlier.

A total of 16 relatives of the Founding Fathers of football were invited to a special ceremony at Wembley Stadium, where a Blue Plaque was unveiled that pays tribute to the historical significance of their work in creating the game of football. What a lasting tribute those pioneers got.

Here in Nigeria, the labour of our heroes past must not be in vain. I salute the winning Nigerian team of 1980. Tributes are also given to Joseph Mead.


Kunle Solaja is the author of landmark books on sports and journalism as well as being a multiple award-winning journalist and editor of long standing. He is easily Nigeria’s foremost soccer diarist and Africa's most capped FIFA World Cup journalist, having attended all FIFA World Cup finals from Italia ’90 to Qatar 2022. He was honoured at the Qatar 2022 World Cup by FIFA and AIPS.

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Nigerian Football

Nigerian women coaches conclude first module of CAF C-License course



NFF President Gusau and GS Sanusi with NFF Management and the coach educators and participants at the commencement of the course on Monday last week.

A total of 30 women coaches have concluded the first of a three-module CAF C-License program in the Federal Capital, Abuja and are expected to commence a two-week internship with different teams in a few days.

Peopled largely by former Nigerian internationals and other serving coaches, the group was taken through a full week of rigorous classroom and practical sessions by a team of coach educators and resource persons, in a baptism of what the next two modules are likely to entail,

NFF Technical Director, Coach Augustine Eguavoen, told that the first module has shown that the women coaches are actually desirous of learning.

“I am very much impressed with their attitude, mannerisms and conduct through the first module. They impressed everyone, and the coach educators also told me they were impressed, and are looking forward to having them back for the second and concluding modules.

“We are grateful for the leadership of the NFF for the support and encouragement for coach-education programmes all the time.”


The participants will return to Abuja for the second module that is scheduled for 12th – 20th August, after which they will go on another two-week internship, 23rd August – 4th September. The third module, which comes with examinations for the participants, will take place 9th – 19th September.

Dr. Terry Babatunde Eguaoje, NFF’s Head of Education, is among the coach educators’ team, which also includes Coaches Isah Ladan Bosso, Wemimo Olanrewaju and Lanrence Ndaks.

Among the 30 participants are former Super Falcons’ stars Precious Dede, Joy Jegede, Esther Michael, Maureen Eke, Otas Ogbonmwan, Vera Okolo, Cecilia Nku, Taiwo Ajobiewe, Gloria Ofoegbu and Amenze Aighewi. There are also Barr. Victoria Nlemigbo and retired FIFA referee Folusho Ajayi.   

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Nigerian Football

Osimhen’s outburst was a moment of madness, says Amaju



Former Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) President and a  FIFA Council member, Amaju Pinnick has expressed shock at last month’s outburst by Super Eagles’ striker, Victor Osimhen against Finidi George.

“It is very unfortunate”, Amaju Pinnick remarked on an Arise Television programme. The former NFF president said he had put a call to Osimhen who was very remorseful while the telephone conversation lasted.

  “I told him he has to apologise, and I am sure he will if he has not yet done so.” Amaju remarked that he could not comprehend what went wrong as Osimhen was the most cool-headed player in the national team.

He went on to remark that Finidi George was not a personality to be disregarded like that. He has won virtually every honour available during his playing days and was a member of the Super Eagles at their peak when Nigeria ranked fifth in the world.

“I believe players should learn to respect their coaches”, said the former NFF boss.

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Nigerian Football

I prefer a foreign coach for the Super Eagles, says Amaju



Nigeria’s FIFA Council member, Amaju Pinnick has told the world that he has always been an advocate of foreign coaches for the Super Eagles. He spoke on Arise Television while fielding questions with Reuben Abati, Rufai Oseni and Ayo Mairo-Ese. 

His reason for being averse to indigenous  coaches stemmed from lack of respect for them by the players.

“Yes, the Nigerian coaches have the requisite knowledge and the technical ability, but modern football is beyond that in managing players.

“Will the national team players respect the coach? The sad thing is that they don’t”, said Amaju Pinnick.

 He however revealed that he supported the appointment of Finidi George owing to the circumstances that the NFF found itself after the exit of Jose Peseiro.


 The NFF, he revealed, had no money to hire a foreign coach. The body therefore went for the most available option, Finidi to ensure a smooth transition.

 “Finidi was part of the coaching crew of Peseiro and it was therefore logical to ask him to continue.

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